Athletic Figure Wellness

Online or In person fitness coaching and training.


Sharon Goveia Assafrao

Certified International Health & Wellness Therapist & Coach


Athletic Figure Wellness is online coaching and training, right at your fingertips and at your convenience. Athletic Figure Wellness is not about the number that you see on the scale, nor is it about how heavy you can lift!
Athletic Figure was born out of a real place; a passion to help heal AFW is here to assist you in building the very best version of yourself; not only physiologically but psychologically too - remember your mind gives up before your body does!
Athletic Figure Wellness is about healing you from the inside out – we are here to teach you your true physiological and psychological abilities – it is a celebration of what your body and mind can truly do!

Services Offered

Strength training

Strength Training or Resistance training is a performance that is associated with weights, however, it can take a variety of forms, such as: resistance bands.


Pilates: what do Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cameron Diaz & Tiger Woods have in common? Pilates!
What are the pilates benefits you may question?  

Personal training

My PT sessions are carefully tailored to your individual goals. I incorporate anaerobic (HITT), Strength training (resistance bands & weights) & sculpting (Pilates & Ballet techniques) into your sessions, which are primarily online, unless I am in the same city where clients would want tactile training sessions.


 High Intensity Interval training workouts provide improved athletic capacity & condition. Research proves that HITT regimes produced significant reduction in fat mass of the entire body. Other benefits: Improves muscle & Bone mass.


Having studied a variety of modalities gives me a holistic approach to your health and wellness needs.
 Whether it is weight loss, pre or post operative rehabilitation or high performance training you require or more.  I can assist.
I taylor make the sessions and training to your specific wants and needs.
Training and weight loss or even weight gain can be challenging.  I love finding creative ways to motivate my clients to get the best results.

Did you know?

Mind to muscle connection is a simple concept that I try ensure all my clients are aware of.  Without the mind to muscle connection you cannot be sure you are targeting the right muscles.  Mind to muscle connection is about becoming the master of your own body. Embracing and celebrating your bodies true capabilities and potential.

So this is one of the basic essentials that I impress on my clients in their body movement. Learning how to deeply connect to your muscles, you will need to bring focus to every session.  In my training videos I will explain each exercise and which muscles you need to focus on.

New Consultations are Free

Book your session now. 
Remember your health is vital, because without health we have nothing




PT Session via Skype or In Person
These package are flexible for all of you to choose from in order to make your package more affordable for everyone
You may choose 5/4/3/2/ or 1 x per week
Counselling Session
check ins for 90 mins per coaching for all questions you have re your life
ii work with body issues, working with individuals that struggle with body dysmorphia, children that may struggle with opening up, diet coaching, life coaching, law of attraction coaching
Other areas include health coaching, diet queries on your meal plan / PT plan – this is LIVE STREAMING with me as well
Video Package
These are videos you will be receiving x 4 days a week
Packages are for 4 each for 8-10mins in long 4 days a week of me doing a class, that you can do anytime during the week at a time that BEST suits you
Please in your forms select the time, day and time of day you will prefer to do your of home workout videos that you would prefer ie: 10 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 45mins – all prices stay the same.
These videos will be specifically designed for each one of you based on your individual posture analysis forms
Meal Planning
MP all depends on scientific data I need from you – specific from one individual to the next.
This takes time to do – approx. turnaround time is 7 days – it is scientifically formulated – so I need time to put them together – you will also have food swap tables
Please be advised that each individual performs best on certain food types, ie: meat, carbohydrates, fats or a balanced diet of all – we all differ as to what food works best re performance
There are many diets out there that are commercial – they work in the short term; however, we at AFW prefer longevity.
I do not do fad diets,
Quick fixes.
Diets that you want.
I look at foods that heal you from the inside out in your diets, which control your: Blood sugar levels, Hormones, Metabolism, Immune system, anti-aging, renewal of cell production, and more…
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